A full room was assembled for the annual changeover, in this case for 2021-22 to 2022-23. President Merilyn was at the helm for the last time, and President-Elect Joy Northover was ready to assume the baton.
Around 50 members, partners, guests and special guests attended at Restaurant 1934 at the WA Italian Club.
We were joined by DG Dee Buckland and partner, the DGE Ineke Oliver and partner, and our ADG Jane O’Leary. We were also joined by Bobbi Evans and Maria Vecchio.
Our Master of ceremonies was Frank Paolino. Frank very enthusiastically held court throughout the night. There was a rumour he was campaigning, we are not sure for what, but he is off and running for sure. Thanks Frank! Of course Frank is also our incoming Sergeant at Arms.
The night was a very pleasant evening and the crew at Restaurant 1934 did a great job. The buffet style Italian Food was excellent and suited the nature of our evening.
DG Dee Buckland donated a lovely framed map of historic Italy, originally drawn by a leading cartographer, and it will be held to be auctioned at the rescheduled Quiz Night. Thank you Dee.
President Merilyn gave an account of our year including our trials with Covid complications but we also managed to run some of our key events and we deployed funds to many worthy causes, including Polio, and our support of the Bali community during Covid. Our Bali focus shifted from the normal school assistance to providing food for the wider community. We also provided hand cleaning stations.
The outgoing Board were thanked and the incoming Board was welcomed. The new board comprises:
- President - Joy Northover
- Treasurer - Colin Ryniker
- Secretary - David Moir
- Club Service - Michael Rosario
- International - John Silbert
- Membership - Victor Giudicatti
- Youth and Vocational - Adam Gale
- Community - Robyn Penny
- Sergeant - Frank Paolino
- Attendance Officer - Frank Mondello
- Bulletin Editor - Andrew Murray
- Bulletin Sub-Editor - Liz Murray
So in summary, we have a change of President, John Silbert comes in for Joy in International, and Frank Paolino replaces Rod Hewson as Sergeant. Note, John Silbert was not in attendance as he tested positive with Covid this week.
Joy accepted the handover and in her talk she told us that both her father and grandfather had been Rotary Presidents in the UK, so Joy is upholding a family tradition.
At this changeover night we also inducted new member Con Paioff, who was joined by his wife Judi. It is always a special night at Rotary when we can induct a new member, so welcome Con and Judi.

Frank Paolino welcomes Joy Northover as incoming President.